Your Surgical Journey
During your consultation with your surgeon they will talk to you about your Cardiac Condition, explain its causes, how it affects you and treatment options. If they feel surgery is your best option, they will explain why they believe this is the most suitable choice for you. Your surgeon will give you a rough estimate of how long you will wait before your surgical date. After your appointment you will be placed on the surgical waiting list. Our office staff will contact you once all your investigations are complete and give you a provisional date. We try to give you at least 1 weeks notice prior to your admission date. All surgical dates are tentative and can be changed at very short notice due to other surgical emergencies or lack of hospital resources.
Pre-Admission Class
This class aims to prepare you for your operation - both mentally and physically. You will meet members of the surgical team including Anesthesia, Nursing, and Physiotherapy. You will be in the clinic around four to 5 hours (possibly longer if special tests are needed).
We STRONGLY ADVISE that you are accompanied by your significant other or a close relative /friend.
Check in at 10:15 A M. at the Patient Information and Admitting Desk ( at the Main entrance to the D+T Centre of the Royal Jubilee Hospital - North side )
Orientation will then begin at 10:30 A.M. on 3 South East of the Patient Care Centre.
Cardiac Same Day Surgical Admit ( SDSA - 250-370-8111, ext 17322)
Weekly passes are available at the Parking Office located at the main entrance of the D. & T. Building. Do not buy a pass until after the surgery in case of a cancellation as they will not refund / credit you if this happens
What to bring
1. All of your current medications as well as any ‘over the counter medications’, herbal remedies and vitamins you take ….. all in their original containers.
2. Your Before, During and After Your Heart Surgery booklet
3. A list of your known true allergies.
4. A meal as you will be here over the lunch period.
5. WOMEN — please find a comfortable Front Closure Bra to wear during the post-operative period and bring it with you.
While at Pre-Admission Class patients will have
• blood tests
• electrocardiogram (ECG) and a chest x-ray ( if not done in the last 90 days)
• Meet with Anaesthesiologist regarding prior aesthetics. They will instruct you on medications to take the evening before as well as the morning of your surgery.
• Meet with Cardiac Nurse for orientation to your surgery and recovery.
• Meet with Physiotherapist to learn about breast bone protection, chest physiotherapy, and assess for potential physical issues in your post-operative recovery.
• Tour our Cardio-Vascular Unit ( C.V. U. …. post cardiac surgery Intensive Care Unit).
• View a teaching video.
• Instructions about your pre-operative cleansing shower to be done the evening before your surgery.
Surgery and follow-up.
Your Surgery and Hospital Recovery
We will explain to you what will happen during your operation as well as your recovery in the C.V.U. + ward. It is important you understand the surgical course and your treatment plan. Please ask questions if you are unsure of any of these or want more information.
Discharge home
You will be given comprehensive instructions for your recovery at home including a prescription for your medications, guidelines for activity, and complications to watch out for. Your Family Doctor / Nurse Practitioner is to remove your stitches and staples when you see them.
Your follow-up appointments
You will be given information about who you need to see after you leave hospital and when.
In general we want you to see:
Your Family Doctor / Nurse Practitioner within 7 days of discharge (Or go to your local walk-in clinic if no Family Doctor)
Your Cardiologist / Internist in about six to eight weeks
Your surgeon in about 8 - 10 weeks
Please call your Internist / Cardiologist as well as your Surgeon about a month before these recommend visit dates.
You must phone and make all of these appointments when you get home. We do not make these for you.
It is unsafe to drive for 6 weeks after your surgery. We recommend that you see your Internist / Cardiologist at 6 weeks post surgery and if they are happy with your progress then they will clear you to drive.
If you have problems after discharge
Your Family Doctor / Nurse Practitioner is your Primary contact if you develop any problems during your recovery at home. Please seek help from them initially. They will contact your surgeon if there are surgical problems that need attending to. If you develop a major issue at night or on weekends / holidays and you Family Doctor is not available you should seek help at your nearest Emergency Room.
Your Family Doctor / Nurse Practitioner is your Primary contact if you are having issues with your medications / prescriptions. They are to renew your prescriptions as needed.
What to do if Your Condition Changes while Awaiting Surgery
If your symptoms begin to worsen then we strongly advise you to see your Family Doctor / Nurse Practitioner as soon as possible or phone your Cardiologist / Internist. If you are experiencing increasing chest pain or shortness of breath, increased swelling of your ankles with weight gain, decreasing exercise capacity or periods of significant light headedness, please seek assessment at the first possible chance. If there is a sudden, major change in your condition we advise you to have someone take you to the nearest Emergency Room or you call 911